+234 809 596 7000 or contactus@standtoendrape.org

Request For Quotation (RFQ)

Request For Quotation (RFQ)
November 9, 2023 STER

Services  required: ICT Management & Security Solutions Date of issue of RFQ: 8 November 2023 Quotation due date: 22  November 2023 Service Specifications:

  1. Asset management
  2. Security program and design
  3. Asset loss prevention
  4. Data storage

Evaluation Criteria: The technical competence of bidders will be evaluated before the financial offers are considered. The minimum criteria that must be met by successful bidders are as follows:

  1. Evidence of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  2. Current Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC).
  3. Evidence of the company bank account.
  4. Company profile with registered address, functional email and telephone numbers.

Submission of Quotes Bidders are requested to submit proposals and quotes via email to admin@standtoendrape.org . All proposals and quotes must be in Naira and signed by an authorised representative of the bidding company.  Kindly note:

  1. Stand To End Rape Initiative (STER) is a Value Added Tax (VAT) exempt organization with requisite certification.
  2. Any and all contracts executed are subject to applicable Withholding Tax (WHT) deduction in accordance with the Nigerian Tax Law.
  3. All submitted quotations must be valid for 30 days, dated and signed.

Address your quote to: Udoh Sylvia People and Culture Associate Stand to End Rape Initiative admin@standtoendrape.org

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