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Helpful Tips for Girls to Protect Themselves

Helpful Tips for Girls to Protect Themselves
September 20, 2013 STER
I believe every Lady must know these basic things to aid her in her everyday journey. Please read and share your thoughts. 

Self defense moves
The knowledge of self-defense could mean the difference between life and death. Every woman should know how to protect herself effectively against attackers, rapists, or anyone else trying to do you harm. All you have to do is S.I.N.G. If you’ve ever seen the film Miss Congeniality, you may know what I’m talking about. S.I.N.G. stands for Solar Plexus, Instep, Nose, and Groin. Targeting any of these sensitive spots on the body will help hurt and eventually distract your attacker, giving you time to run away. Another helpful move is gouging of the eyes. Also, a hard punch, or elbow to the throat or side of the neck will cause the criminal to faint or lose consciousness for at least a moment. Just remember your goal is to get away safely, do it any way possible.
Culled from Kayla Chanai

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