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Grannies Acquire Self-Defence Skills In #Kenya

Grannies Acquire Self-Defence Skills In #Kenya
October 20, 2013 STER
Kenyan grannies acquire self-defence skills – Africa – Al Jazeera English

According to a video recently released by Al Jazeera, Kenyan women apparently were tired of being the victims of crime and learned self-defence to protect themselves.

Not an uncommon story, perhaps, but in this case they were a group of elderly women in a shanty town in Kenya.

This is a great self-defence mechanism Kenyan women have taken. It is high time the Nigerian government or better still, the so-called NGOs advocating for rape survivors in Nigeria, stepped up and learn from other countries. It wouldn’t cost that much to help women and girls acquire basic self-defence skills that will help them fight back, when a rapist approaches them. It will be a funny sight to see a girl child whoop the ass of someone who intended to rape. At Stand to #EndRape (STER), our aim is to teach girls basic self-defence skills (for free), which will help reduce the rates of rape cases in Nigeria.

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