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Get Free Mental Health Support

Get Free Mental Health Support
October 25, 2020 STERAbuja

To say that we have all been through different forms of stress in the past few weeks is to actually say the least. In the past two weeks, we’ve seen what should have been a peaceful protest, hijacked by hoodlums and narratives changed for personal gains. We have also had to deal with a series of fake news and distorted information all in the name of persevering a system that is not working.


However, we must accept that we have played our part in triggering a chain of change and we must be consistent in demanding justice for everyone who has been abused.


At STER, we are concerned with your wellbeing. In all of this, we prioritize your mental health. We know you might be dealing with a lot of anxiety, stress, and many other feelings that you might not be able to decipher. This is why we have created the Mental Health Support helplines to help you deal with feelings that you may be experiencing.


Just simply text “Help” to 08181536000 or 08181576000 or 08181526000 and a counselor will contact you.


Please remember that “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start” – Nido Qubein



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